Hi Jason,

Jason Novotny wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having an extreely strange problem where I run a unit test on my Mac
> that works fine but the identical code on a linux server produces an
> xstream related error:
> testInrixAuthentication(XXXX.service.inrix.InrixServiceTest): Could not
> read [class XXXX.service.inrix.auth.InrixGetSecurityTokenResponse];
> nested exception is
> org.springframework.oxm.UnmarshallingFailureException: XStream
> unmarshalling exception; nested exception is
> com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException: Inrix

This simply tells you, that XStream cannot find any class named "Inrix" in 
the default package.

> Basically I'm trying to serialize the XML into an Object and was using
> annotations so the class looks like:
> @XStreamAlias("Inrix")
> public class InrixGetSecurityTokenResponse {
>     @XStreamAlias("AuthResponse")
>     private InrixAuthResponse authResponse;
>     public InrixAuthResponse getAuthResponse() {
>         return authResponse;
>     }
>     public void setAuthResponse(InrixAuthResponse authResponse) {
>         this.authResponse = authResponse;
>     }
> }

It depends how your XStream was set up. By default, at deserialization time, 
XStream simple gets an XML element "Inrix" - how should it know, that 
there's somewhere a class with an alias annotation?

> I just can't understand why it works on one machine but not another-- I
> do understand that in using maven to build, the class listed above is
> contained in my project jar file, while the test that calls it lives in
> test-classes directory, so maybe there is some issue with the
> classloader of the test class needing the classloader of the jar
> containing my annotated POJOs, but this doesn't seem to explain why it
> works on one machine but not the other....
> Any ideas on debugging this would be greatly helpful!

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