
Thank you for your insight.  Jettison 1.2 was really the only version I had
not tried but it seems to work with that version (with XStream 1.4.4).  It
does *not* work with 1.0.1, 1.1, 1.3.3 (the last one was expected).  Thanks


On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 4:32 AM, Jörg Schaible

> Hi Michael,
> Michael Minella wrote:
> > I'm running into an issue performing a round trip serializing then
> > deserializing an object that contains an empty array of Properties.  I've
> > created a small test case below that illustrates the issue.  It seems to
> > work fine when going to XML (using the DomDriver), but not JSON (using
> > the JettisonMappedXmlDriver).  Do I need to create a custom converter for
> > this, is this a bug, or am I just missing something.  Any insight that
> can
> > be provided is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
> This works for me (the array type does not matter):
> ============= %< =============
>  public void testEmptyArray()
>  {
>    xstream.alias("exception", Exception.class);
>    Exception[] exceptions = new Exception[3];
>    String json = xstream.toXML(exceptions);
>    assertEquals(
>      "{'exception-array':[{'null':['','','']}]}".replace('\'', '"'),
>      json);
>    Exception[] exceptions2 = (Exception[])xstream.fromXML(json);
>    assertEquals(json, xstream.toXML(exceptions2));
>  }
> ============= %< =============
> Note, that I am using Jettison 1.2, newer versions are no longer
> compatible:
>  - http://xstream.codehaus.org/download.html#optional-deps
>  - http://xstream.codehaus.org/faq.html#JSON_Jettison_version
>  - http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTISON-111
> Remember, XStream writes here into a StAX interface i.e. from its PoV this
> is plain XML. Jettison is responsible for turning this XML into JSON
> representation (and vice versa). Therefore you should be aware that you get
> a different JSON representation if the Properties instance contain one ore
> more elements (look at the nesting level):
> ============= %< =============
>  public void testProperties()
>  {
>    Properties properties = new Properties();
>    properties.setProperty("key.1", "Value 1");
>    String json = xstream.toXML(properties);
>    assertEquals("{'properties':[{'property':{'@name
> ':'key.1','@value':'Value
> 1'}}]}".replace('\'', '"'), json);
>    Properties properties2 = (Properties)xstream.fromXML(json);
>    assertEquals(json, xstream.toXML(properties2));
>    properties.setProperty("key.2", "Value 2");
>    json = xstream.toXML(properties);
>    assertEquals("{'properties':[{'property':
> [{'@name':'key.2','@value':'Value 2'},{'@name':'key.1','@value':'Value
> 1'}]}]}".replace('\'', '"'), json);
>    properties2 = (Properties)xstream.fromXML(json);
>    assertEquals(json, xstream.toXML(properties2));
>  }
> ============= %< =============
> You get best results with simple objects and plain lists/arrays, the
> conversion to and from JSON *is* limited, see word of warning:
>  - http://xstream.codehaus.org/json-tutorial.html
> Cheers,
> Jörg
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