Hello team. I got some question/problem with XStream.

   I have a class with custom realization of methods equals/hashCode. Such
objects contains in HashSet collection. Default XStream behavior: create
object instance, read attributes, read inner fields, return object and add
it to collection if needed.
   The problem: due a specific object graph on some step of deserialization
object was created, added to collection, and after all other fields was
loaded. After fields was loaded, result of hashCode was changed, causing
"damage" to collection (because HashSet uses HashMap inside). That happens
because xstream got object with null fields from cache by 'refference'
attribute. This does not looks like a bug, but working behavior is not
In my project I fixed it by restoring collection (just recreate it with
same objects) in readResolve of other object (1 level upward in graph).
   There are other problem: calling readResolve does not guarantee that all
fields of 'this' object (including sub objects in fields) was fully
deserialized at moment of call. That why I cant fix collection  in
readResolve of object with HashSet or HashMap and should do it in other

   There are attach file that nicely describes a situation.

Attachment: Main.java
Description: Binary data

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