Hi John,

js wrote:

> Jörg, got it.. it works..thank you
> i guess i was just looking for that "aha" moment... which your feedback
> provided.

Glad to here.

> in the alias tutorial, even though it says "..make XStream read/write", it
> never really set in that it was anything other than a marshall example.
> An actual unmarshall method there (and in the other examples) would drive
> home your point that alias() and addImplicitCollection() is applicable to
> both serialize and deserialize.

For us developers it's natural that it works in both directions. Maybe this 
is our blind spot here. I'll try to improve the docs for the next release.

> your advice to first create the xml via xstream methods makes perfect
> sense now.
> i was able to find duplicate <persons> elements (class name and collection
> name) and move forward quickly without the previous errors.

Development is efficient and much less frustrating that way. I know.

> again, thanks

You're welcome,

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