Hi All,

I'm using XSTREAM for Android and since Samsung updated the NOTE 2 to
4.4.2 I have this error
"Android XSTREAM W/dalvikvm o implementation found for native
Ldalvik/system/VMRuntime;.pauseGc:(Ljava/lang/String;)I on Samsung device"

This also happen with last GALAXY S 10.1 T-800 !

I don't have the issue on CUSTOM ROM such as OMEGA GS4 and on an OLD
Galaxy S ROM with Cyanogenmod 11...

Surely this is not an XSTREAM issue but probably a bug from Samsung on
there latest ROM it seems from what I read on google which also redirected
other people with same issue to Samsung...but nothing seems to happen on
this front.

The issue happen when I call XSTREAM toXML() to serialize, there is no
problem at all to de-serialize.

Basically I'm desperate for some kind of workaround... I looked at
building XSTREAM for Android to see if I can figure out something
debugging but failed... I did no really find easy pointer ( I might
overlook things, sorry if this is the case) on how to build it using

Any pointer, suggestion would be great.

Many thanks for your great library


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