Hi Tobias,

Tobias Gierke wrote:

> Hi Jörg,
> I created a JIRA issue: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/XSTR-767

thanks. Can you also provide the generated XML for the relevant structure?

> Thanks for looking into this!


> Cheers,
> Tobias
>> Hi Tobias,
>> it seems you're the first one who tries to serialize something like that.
>> Please open a JIRA issue and I try to look into it in the next two weeks.
>> Cheers,
>> Jörg
>> Tobias Gierke wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It seems we're not able to deserialize Lambda expressions with XStream
>>> 1.4.7
>>> The code in question looks roughly like this:
>>> @FunctionalInterface
>>> public interface Visible extends Serializable {
>>>       public boolean isVisible();
>>> }
>>> public interface IMenuItem extends Serializable {
>>>       // ... stuff omitted ...
>>> }
>>> public abstract class AbstractMenuItem implements IMenuItem {
>>>       private final Visible visibilityFunction;
>>>       // ... stuff omitted ...
>>> }
>>> The method that is invoked with lambda expressions (that later get
>>> stored in the 'visibilityFunction' field of an AbstractMenuItem subclass
>>> instance) looks like this:
>>> public <T extends Page> void addEntry(String resourceLabel , Class<T>
>>> pageClazz,Visible visibilityFunction);
>>> Since the Visible interface extends Serializable , the compiler
>>> generates code for a serializable Lambda (and in fact it does, I checked
>>> the generated .class file with javap).
>>> The code used to setup XStream looks like this:
>>>       private XStream createXStream()
>>>       {
>>>           final XStream xstream = new XStream( new StaxDriver() ) {
>>>               @Override
>>>               protected MapperWrapper wrapMapper(MapperWrapper next) {
>>>                   return new WicketProxyMapper( new CGLIBMapper( new
>>> HibernateMapper(next) ) ); //
>>>               }
>>>           };
>>>           // override the built-in DynamicProxyConverter that chokes on
>>> Apache Wicket proxies
>>>            xstream.registerConverter( new WicketProxyConverter() ,
>>>           // register Hibernate-specific converters
>>>           xstream.registerConverter(new HibernateProxyConverter());
>>>           xstream.registerConverter(new
>>> HibernatePersistentCollectionConverter(xstream.getMapper()));
>>>           xstream.registerConverter(new
>>> HibernatePersistentMapConverter(xstream.getMapper()));
>>>           xstream.registerConverter(new
>>> HibernatePersistentSortedMapConverter(xstream.getMapper()));
>>>           xstream.registerConverter(new
>>> HibernatePersistentSortedSetConverter(xstream.getMapper()));
>>>           // register CGLLib converters
>>>           xstream.registerConverter(new
>>> CGLIBEnhancedConverter(xstream.getMapper(),
>>> xstream.getReflectionProvider() , getClass().getClassLoader() ) );
>>>           return xstream;
>>>       }
>>> Before I start diving into the world of invokedynamic and method handles
>>> , did anybody else encounter this issue and knows how to solve it ?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tobias
>>> com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException:
>>> :
>>> ---- Debugging information ----
>>> message             :
>>> cause-exception     :
>>> com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException
>>> cause-message       :
>>> class               :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithHeaderAndFooter$11
>>> required-type       :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithHeaderAndFooter$11
>>> converter-type      :
>>> com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
>>> path                :
>>> line number         : 1
>>> class[1]            :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithMenu$SimpleListEntry
>>> class[2]            : org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem
>>> class[3]            : [Ljava.lang.Object;
>>> converter-type[1]   :
>>> com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.ArrayConverter
>>> class[4]            :
>>> class[5]            :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithMenu$NestedListEntry
>>> class[6]            :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithMenu$SubMenuList$1
>>> class[7]            :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithMenu$SubMenuList
>>> class[8]            :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithMenu$1$1
>>> class[9]            :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.general.PageWithMenu$1
>>> class[10]           :
>>> com.vodecc.voipmng.boundary.wicket.trunkmonitor.TrunkMonitorPage
>>> version             : not available
>>> -------------------------------
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