A bit ago I wrote a blog post[1] about building shaded jars to run
Fluo applications with Spark.  In this post I advocated for building
the shaded jars with the versions of Fluo, Accumuo and ZooKeeper on
the system.  For obtaining the ZooKeeper version, I suggested the
following bash command in the post.

ZOOKEEPER_VERSION=`echo status | nc $ZOOKEEPER_SERVER 2181 | grep
version: | sed 's/.*version: \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/'`

I was looking at this post recently and wondering if there is a better
way to get this info for ZooKeeper.  Does anyone know a
better/different way to accomplish this?



[1]: http://fluo.apache.org/blog/2016/12/22/spark-load/

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