
Il lun 25 nov 2019, 23:36 Bryan Pendleton <>
ha scritto:

> I'm trying to build some tools that examine a running Zookeeper ensemble,
> and one of the things I want to do in my tool is to view the complete
> configuration of that server. The reason I want to do this is because we
> had an operational mishap in which zoo.cfg was modified but the server was
> not restarted, and hence it was not running with the configuration that we
> thought it was using.
> I tried 'echo conf | nc my-host 2181', and it does print configuration
> data, but it seems to only print a very small subset of the various
> configuration data that can be set. The 'mntr' and 'stat' commands also
> print some configuration data, but still only a very small subset.
> Is there a 4-letter-word command (or other live monitoring technique) that
> I can use to display the *complete* configuration of a running Zookeeper
> server, so I can exhaustively check the values of all the configuration
> variables that it's currently using?

Which variable are you missing?
What version of Zookeeper are you running?

Since 3.5 (current stable and suggested version) we have the HTTP admin
endpoint and it also is able to report more information about the status of
the server. In the upcoming release 3.6 we also added more information.

Maybe you can check the http endpoint or your running server and if it is
missing something we can check on 3.6 (not yet released but available on
github) whether the info you are looking for is present


> bryan

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