I also have the same question like this below:

let's say we have nodes A B C D E, now A is the leader

A broadcasts <1,1>,  it reaches B, then A, B die, C D E elect someone,
the new system is going to throw away <1,1> since it does not know its
existence, right?

start from scratch,
A broadcasts<1,1> , it reaches all, all send ACK to A, but A dies
before receiving the ACK, then BCDE elects someone, and the new leader
sees <1,1> in log, so it broadcasts <1,1> to BCDE, which all commit
it.  now if we look back, when A dies, the client should get a "write
failure", but now after BCDE relection, the written value does get
into the system ??? the client and the cluster has an inconsistent view ??

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