As a newbee on Fedora 30 I installed Artemis ActiveMQ. I created a broker in /var/lib/broker. So far everything works fine but when I start the broker every 5 seconds I get the following message in the logfile.
2019-11-06 15:21:55,552 WARN [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ222216: Security problem while authenticating: AMQ229031: Unable to validate user from / Username: *myuser*; SSL certificate subject DN: unavailable I have such a user "myuser" in my base application. However, where does Artemis get it from? I cannot find it in any file ofr artemis. When I start the console on http://localhost:8161/console I enter the credentials of the user which was created while creating the broker. That works. But where does Artemis get "myuser" from? -- Sent from: