Mark Madere wrote:
I have a user who has 8500 calendar records in a palm pilot. After a
lot of struggle I managed to get them into SOGo.
Thunderbird downloaded
the records but i cannot edit them in Thunderbird. On a reoccurring
event it may pop up and ask about changing all instances after a long
time. Making a selection in the popup does nothing.
You should look at Thunderbird's error console when that happens. Also,
can you open such event from the web interface?
Does anyone have experience with calendars with an equal amount or
events? Do I need to split the calender in to separate folders for
years to make them smaller?
We have users with calendars that big. Initial loading of them in
Lightning is quite slow (3-5 minutes for calendars that large) but once
the cache is built (that happens only the first time Lightning is
launched), it's quite zippy.
Ludovic Marcotte :: +1.514.755.3630 ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence