It would be nice if users-cn group can tightly co-related with global
apache cloudstack community.

We encourage all the China cloudstack ecosystem members can speak out. We
want to hear your voice.
Let promote Apache CloudStack together!

Thanks Chip for the information, I will reference the survey in weibo to
let more persons know :)

对于广大的中文邮件组成员来讲, 这是一个难得的机会让更多人知道你, 了解你做的事情.
我们非常想听到来自中国用户组的声音, 作为CloudStack生态系统上的一环, 希望各位能大声讲出来.

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:36 AM, tanthalas <> wrote:

> Hi,各位中文邮件组的兄弟们,
> Chip Childers
> 是Cloudstack的VP。发这封邮件是希望各位能够参与一份关于Cloudstack的调查。社区通过这个调查问卷能更好的了解Cloudstack目前的发展情况。
> 如果各位有时间(只需要很短的时间)都来填写一下这个调查。多谢了!
> 2013-06-04
> 刘宇超  Richard Liu
> 发件人: Chip Childers
> 发送时间: 2013-06-03  23:57:54
> 收件人: users-cn
> 抄送:
> 主题: CloudStack Community User Survey
> Hi all,
> Apologies for sending this email in English to the users-cn list, but
> I wanted to be sure that it was exposed to this part of the community.
>  If someone is able to translate this message (and perhaps the survey
> questions) for non-English speakers, that would be incredibly helpful.
> You may have seen Giles send out a note about a user survey (on the
> list) that we are conducting for the
> community.  I'd love if everyone could take a moment (it's short, I
> promise) to fill out the survey form to share some information about
> your use of CloudStack (or commercial derivatives) with us.  We will
> be using the data in *aggregate* to get to know more about how it's
> being deployed out there.
> The survey is here:

