Hi, Everyone:

   Now I am learning about  codes of the CS. I do some steps follow the
official documents——development101,but when I configure eclipse according
to the document——Using Eclipse With CloudStack(
In the following chapter,I have some questions.

  Q1:I have used eclipse to download CS4.2 source, and I import these
projects into eclipse. There are many projects, e.g. cloud-agent. cloud-api
.cloud-core and so on. Should I do these steps that are marked with
underlying(Q1)  in the following?

Q2: In the following Q2(which is also marked with underlying),I don't
understand it means,so that I don't know how to do with the parent
projects. Can you explain it to me?

Well ,
 Chapter   :   Eliminate duplicate resources

CloudStack has a lot of projects that are really just for grouping the
different type of projects.  The problem is in Eclipse, the files that
belong in sub-projects also show up in the projects.  This causes a lot of
problems with the Open Resource dialogue, which is often used to quickly
get to a file if you know the filename already.  These problems include the
multiple copies of the same .class files showing up and multiple copies of
the same .java file showing up.  If you select the wrong .java file, then a
lot of the references doesn't work.  Upon further inspection, the reason is
because the same .java and .class file is included by both the project and
the parent project.  To get rid of this problem, do the following.
 Unfortunately, (Q1)*you have to do this for every parent project.*

   - *Right click on the project and select Properties.(Q1)*
   - *Go to Resource->Resource Filters.*
   - *Click on Add...*
   - *Select Exclude all*
   - *Select Folders*
   - *Click Regular Expression*
   - *In the entry box, type [a-zA-Z0-9].**
   - *Click OK*
   - *Click OK*

What this does is to tell Eclipse that the sub-directories under parent
projects should not be included in the resource list, thus avoiding the the
duplicate resources in the Open Resource dialogue box. *(Q2) If the parent
project does have a directory that you want, then you can add that to a
include filter.*  Note that you can not use * as the folders because that
would exclude the .settings folder which eclipse uses to keep its metadata
and will cause the m2e plugin to have problems.

Here's a list of parent projects you should do this with:

   - cloudstack
   - cloud-services
   - cloudstack-framework
   - cloud-engine
   - cloudstack-plugins
