
2014-02-18 9:24 GMT+01:00 zhiyuanliyafei <zhiyuanliya...@126.com>:

> 改过
> 第一次:
> [root@cloudstack ~]# cloudstack-setup-databases user:password@hostname
> 第二次:root@cloudstack ~]# cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:123456@hostname
> 第三次:[root@cloudstack ~]# cloudstack-setup-databases 
> cloud:123456@localhost--deploy-as=root:cloudstack -e file -m 123456 -k 123456
> 下面是现在的db.properties
>  [root@cloudstack ~]# cat /etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties
> # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
> db.cloud.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=240000
> db.cloud.validationQuery=SELECT 1
> db.usage.maxActive=100
> # distributed with this work for additional information
> # Encryption Settings
> # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
> db.awsapi.username=cloud
> db.simulator.password=cloud
> db.simulator.maxWait=10000
> #   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
> db.cloud.name=cloud
> # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
> # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
> # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
> # usage database settings
> db.cloud.password=ENC(iAjgEqbX11fgTBjdQtlkDg==)
> cluster.servlet.port=9090
> db.cloud.host=localhost
> # specific language governing permissions and limitations
> # CloudStack database SSL settings
> # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
> db.usage.maxIdle=30
> db.cloud.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=40000
> # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
> db.cloud.maxWait=10000
> db.usage.host=localhost
> # CloudStack database settings
> db.simulator.maxIdle=30
> db.cloud.keyStorePassword=
> db.simulator.maxActive=250
> # management server clustering parameters, change cluster.node.IP to the
> machine IP address
> db.usage.port=3306
> db.usage.maxWait=10000
> # in which the management server(Tomcat) is running
> db.cloud.trustStore=
> db.usage.name=cloud_usage
> db.cloud.poolPreparedStatements=false
> db.simulator.autoReconnect=true
> # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
> region.id=1
> db.cloud.keyStore=
> db.cloud.port=3306
> # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
> db.cloud.maxActive=250
> # under the License.
> db.cloud.username=cloud
> # Simulator database settings
> db.simulator.port=3306
> db.usage.autoReconnect=true
> db.cloud.testOnBorrow=true
> db.cloud.maxIdle=30
> db.usage.username=cloud
> db.awsapi.host=localhost
> #
> cluster.node.IP=
> db.cloud.encryption.type=file
> db.cloud.testWhileIdle=true
> # awsapi database settings
> db.cloud.useSSL=false
> db.cloud.trustStorePassword=
> db.cloud.encrypt.secret=ENC(9OOTyDNnIXLZy7Xk39jwNg==)
> db.cloud.url.params=prepStmtCacheSize=517&cachePrepStmts=true
> # CloudStack database tuning parameters
> db.cloud.autoReconnect=true
> # usage database tuning parameters
> db.usage.password=ENC(cqnXvxLQK7tF80Bd1dcQtw==)
> db.awsapi.port=3306
> db.awsapi.name=cloudbridge
> db.simulator.name=simulator
> db.simulator.host=localhost
> db.awsapi.password=cloud
> db.usage.url.params=
> ------------------------------
>    祝:
>      身体健康,
>          工作顺利!
>  *发件人:* Wei ZHOU <ustcweiz...@gmail.com>
> *发送时间:* 2014-02-18 16:07
> *收件人:* users-cn <users-cn@cloudstack.apache.org>
> *主题:* Re: cloudstack 使用admin/password无法登录初始化数据之后发现无法通过web登录了
>  /etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties 改过吗?
> 2014-02-18 8:30 GMT+01:00 zhiyuanliyafei <zhiyuanliya...@126.com>:
>> hi,
>> 我是通过yum 通过网络在线安装的cloudstac 4.2.1发现安装之后无法通过admin/password登录,也没有任何报错
>> 附件为相关log,麻烦哪位大虾给看看,谢谢
>>  我初始化了数据库
>>  [root@cloudstack ~]# cloudstack-setup-databases user:password@hostname
>> Mysql user name:user [ OK ]
>> Mysql user password:password [ OK ]
>> Mysql server ip:hostname [ OK ]
>> Mysql server port:3306 [ OK ]
>> Checking Cloud database files ... [ OK ]
>> Checking local machine hostname ... [ OK ]
>> Checking SELinux setup ... [ OK ]
>> Detected local IP address as, will use as cluster management
>> server node IP[ OK ]
>> Preparing /etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties [ OK ]
>> No mysql root user specified, will not create Cloud DB schema
>>                   Processing encryption ... [ OK ]
>> Finalizing setup ... [ OK ]
>>  CloudStack has successfully initialized database, you can check your
>> database configuration in /etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties
>> [root@cloudstack ~]# cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:123456@hostname
>> Mysql user name:cloud [ OK ]
>> Mysql user password:123456 [ OK ]
>> Mysql server ip:hostname [ OK ]
>> Mysql server port:3306 [ OK ]
>> Checking Cloud database files ... [ OK ]
>> Checking local machine hostname ... [ OK ]
>> Checking SELinux setup ... [ OK ]
>> Detected local IP address as, will use as cluster management
>> server node IP[ OK ]
>> Preparing /etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties [ OK ]
>> No mysql root user specified, will not create Cloud DB schema
>>                   Processing encryption ... [ OK ]
>> Finalizing setup ... [ OK ]
>>  CloudStack has successfully initialized database, you can check your
>> database configuration in /etc/cloudstack/management/db.properties
>> 发现现在无法通过web访问了,不知道什么原因
>> ------------------------------
>>    祝:
>>      身体健康,
>>          工作顺利!
