
This article details how to upgrade system VM template without
upgrading management server in Citrix CloudPlatform.


1. While running the existing 4.2.0/4.2.1/4.3.0 system, log in to the
UI as root administrator.

2. In the left navigation bar, click Templates.

3. In Select view, click Templates.

4. Click Register template.

5. The Register template dialog box is displayed.

6. In the Register template dialog box, specify the following values
(do not change these):

Name: systemvm-xenserver-4.3-b

Description: systemvm-xenserver-4.3-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: XenServer

Format: VHD

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.3.0 (64-bit) Mon Jun
23 16:52:56 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-kvm-4.3-b

Description: systemvm-kvm-4.3-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: KVM

Format: QCOW2

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.3.0 (64-bit) Mon Jun
23 16:52:56 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-vmware-4.3-b

Description: systemvm-vmware-4.3-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: VMware

Format: OVA

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.3.0 (64-bit) Mon Jun
23 16:52:56 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-hyperv-4.3-b

Description: systemvm-hyperv-4.3-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: HyperV

Format: VHD

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.3.0 (64-bit) Mon Jun
23 16:52:56 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-xenserver-4.2.1-b

Description: systemvm-xenserver-4.2.1-b

URL (if using 32-bit system VM template):

URL (if using 64-bit system VM

Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: XenServer

Format: VHD

OS Type:Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit and 64-bit) (or the

highest Debian release number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version(32 bit): Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Tue Jun
17 10:34:18 UTC 2014
Cloudstack-release version(64 bit): Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Mon Jun
23 15:02:41 UTC 201

Name: systemvm-kvm-4.2.1-b

Description: systemvm-kvm-4.2.1-b

URL (if using 32-bit system VM template):

URL (if using 64-bit system VM

Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: KVM

Format: QCOW2

OS Type:Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit and 64-bit) (or the highest
Debian release number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version(32 bit): Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Tue Jun
17 10:34:18 UTC 2014
Cloudstack-release version(64 bit): Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Mon Jun
23 15:02:41 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-vmware-4.2.1-b

Description: systemvm-vmware-4.2.1-b

URL (if using 32-bit system VM template):

URL (if using 64-bit system VM

Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: VMware

Format: OVA

OS Type:Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit and 64-bit) (or the highest
Debian release number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version(32 bit): Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Tue Jun
17 10:34:18 UTC 2014
Cloudstack-release version(64 bit): Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Mon Jun
23 15:02:41 UTC 2014
Name: systemvm-kvm-4.2-b

Description: systemvm-kvm-4.2-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: KVM

Format: QCOW2

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Mon Jun 23
15:02:41 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-vmware-4.2-b

Description: systemvm-vmware-4.2-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: VMware

Format: OVA

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Mon Jun 23
15:02:41 UTC 2014

Name: systemvm-xenserver-4.2-b

Description: systemvm-xenserver-4.2-b


Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used

Hypervisor: XenServer

Format: VHD

OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit) (or the highest Debian release
number available in the dropdown)

Extractable: no

Password Enabled: no

Public: no

Featured: no

Cloudstack-release version: Cloudstack Release 4.2.0 Mon Jun 23
15:02:41 UTC 2014

Wait until the Template is downloaded and is in Ready state

8. Stop all Management servers

9. Take a backup of database.

10. Execute the attached python script on MS to update DB entries.
Based on the version select the appropriate script:

a. 4.3 : python   -i   < db host name/ip >
 -u < db user name >   -p  < db password >

b. 4.2.1 : python   -i   < db host name/ip
>    -u < db user name >   -p  < db password >

c. 4.2 : python   -i   < db host name/ip >
 -u < db user name >   -p  < db password >

Note: The Python scripts mentioned are available in the attached file.

11. Start Management server.

12. In the CloudPlatform UI, stop and start all the SSVM (except one
exception **).


Use cloudstack-sysvmadm script to stop and start SSVM (except one exception **)
-s : SSVM, CPVM   < Note this option also restarts CPVM>

Note: "cloudstack-sysvmadm –h” will show the help text”.

**For Version 4.2 (VMware only): Log into the CloudPlatform UI.
Destroy the Secondary Storage VM (SSVM).

13. Verification of templates after the SSVM has been restarted.

a. Login into system VM. The method to log in is described in the
admin guide of your respective version.

b. After logging in as root user, type this command on the system VM console:

#cat  /etc/cloudstack-release

c. The output of this command will contain the Cloudstack version as
shown below for different versions.

The template version for 4.2.0 and 4.2.1 will be shown as: “Cloudstack
Release 4.2.0 “ followed by timestamp.
The template version for 4.3.0 will be shown as: “Cloudstack Release
4.3.0 “ followed by timestamp.

白清杰 (Born Bai)



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