Hi Peter,

This means there is a known issue with very high volume Queues/ durable subscribers in 4.x that is being addressed in the next release. I wouldn't recommend you go with the next release in production however, not all the functionality is tied down yet.

You could either help contribute to the stability of the Apache ActiveMQ (by either submitting user junit test cases, contributing fixes etc.) - or you could investigate commercial support - see: http://www.logicblaze.com/services.jsp


Rob Davies

On 5 Feb 2007, at 23:25, Peter Leonard wrote:

Does this mean "this is a known bug in 4.1 and has been fixed", or "take 4.2-snapshot for a spin, and maybe it helps?"

We're running 4.1 in production, and this and other memory leaks (e.g. the whole issue revolving around disconnect() not working with durable topics) are causing major problems for us - there doesn't seem to be any solution other than to monitor memory usage, bring everything to a halt, and restart services in a maintenance window. We're unable to run unreleased code in production, what's the current wisdom on 4.2 coming out? Or a 4.1.1? I am somewhat scared of 4.2.0 introducing a whole new set of unknown headaches - at least we seem to know our issues with 4.1 at this time.

        Thank you,


Rob Davies wrote:
Hi Sandeep,
I think using the latest snapshot for 4.2 will help:
http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-snapshot-repository/org/apache/ activemq/apache-activemq/4.2-incubator-SNAPSHOT/ cheers,
On 5 Feb 2007, at 15:20, Sandeep Chayapathi wrote:

Hi all,

 As a followup to these questions:

http://http://www.nabble.com/how-to-set-the-message-of-the-broker- will-store-in-the-mySQL-only-tf2957449.html#a8294916
how to set the message...
http://www.nabble.com/Queue-Memory-Limits-tf1857084.html Queue Memory limit http://www.nabble.com/Async-Exception%3A-Broken-Pipe- tf3160498.html#a8765808
Async exception

My bane of existence has been activemq, for a while now. The single issue,
is activemq running out of heap memory, when I use offline durable
subscribers. I wondered if by using db persistence, instead of caching messages, would solve this proble. To that end, I modified my activemq.xml,

class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderC onfigurer"/>

  <broker brokerName="localhost" useJmx="true"
xmlns="http://activemq.org/config/1.0"; persistent="true">

        <usageManager id="memory-manager" limit="1024 MB"/>
        <jdbcPersistenceAdapter dataSource="#mysql-ds"/>
  <!-- MySql DataSource Sample Setup -->
<bean id="mysql-ds" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"
    <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
    <property name="url"
    <property name="username" value="sandeep"/>
    <property name="password" value="password"/>
    <property name="poolPreparedStatements" value="false"/>


I had 3 offline durable subscribers, to a topic (tired with queues also) and 1 producer, which pumped in messages to the topic. The jvm was started with

I found that, although the messages were supposed to be persisted to the mysql db, all the tables were empty. Once the memory usage hit the jvm's max
allocated memory, I got the dreaded
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space", yet no messages were found in
the datastore.

Can anyone pls enlighten me why the un-acked messages were not being
persisted to the datastore and if there is a way to force activemq to
persist messages ? Thanks

- Sandeep
--View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ jdbcPersistenceAdapter-enlightenment-tf3174884.html#a8808214
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