Your code looks fine so not sure the issue. The server side isn't using transacted mode or anything?
BTW this might be useful... On 4/24/07, Simon Wistow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I seem to have run into some problems with my code and I'm trying to track down if it's a regression in my code or a change in ActiveMQ that I didn't notice. I'm attempting to send a message to a temporary queue and then wait for a reply using something like Destination destination; QueueSession session; QueueConnection connection; QueueSender sender; ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory; connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(user, pwd, url); session = connection.createSession(false, ack_mode); connection = connectionFactory.createQueueConnection(); destination = session.createQueue(subject); publisher = session.createSender(destination); Queue tmp_queue = session.createTemporaryQueue(); QueueReceiver tmp = session.createReceiver(tmp_queue); Message message = createNewMessage(); message.setJMSReplyTo(queue); sender.send(message); Message tmp_mess = (Message) tmp.receive(timeout); The Queue at the other end recieves the message fine and replies using what appears to be the right queue ID Message reply = createMessage(); reply.setJMSCorrelationID(subject); Queue reply_queue = (Queue) original_message.getJMSReplyTo(); QueueSender sender = session.createSender(reply_queue); sender.send(reply); However tmp.receive(timeout) never gets a message back, it only ever times out. Changing the methods to use Topic in place of Queue works absolutely fine. I'm pretty sure this code used work - I'm just about to start bisecting every change however I've also upgraded ActiveMQ from 0.99 to 4.11 so I wondered if that might have been the cause. Any ideas? thanks, Simon
-- James -------