If you use a shared DB or file system you should be able to failover
and fail back without a problem.

On 5/4/07, David Budworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I mistakenly hijacked another thread yesterday when asking this, so I'll
repost it as it's own thread.

If I understand the wiki and comments I've read on this list recently, AMQ
has no state synchronizer.

Meaning that if I have Master / Slave and the Master dies, i can't restart
it without stopping the slave, copying it's database over to the master then
restarting both.

The part I'm confused about is how does work when you have clients
attempting to send messages?

If I start up the master and clients reconnect and start sending messages,
then start the slave, what happens?

Do I need the clients to wait until both master and slave are both up before
it starts sending?

Or does Master -> Slave state sync work fine, it's just that you can't do it
the other way?

Reason I'm asking is that we currently use SonicMQ for their CAA feature
which allows transparent failover / failback which is great.

We would like to use AMQ for some things that have special requirements we
don't get from SMQ but at the same time we don't want to give up the HA
aspects of having the clients not have to be stopped/started in the event we
have a broker failure and want to eventually get back to normal Master/Slave



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