Thank you for sharing that, Mario.


On May 31, 2007, at 11:45 AM, Mario Siegenthaler wrote:

We've tried it on NFS on linux and it didn't work (some locking issue
with java and nfs). However it worked with windows shares, but we're
not using it because we run linux boxes.


On 5/31/07, Michael Slattery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello List!

I'm interested in putting together the Shared File System Master
Slave scenario in a managed hosting setup.   What are you using to
achieve the shared file system master slave on your installs?

I would appreciate it very much if folks on this list would share
descriptions of successful environments.     SAN/NAS, Filesystems,
etc would be very helpful.

If you are doing this in a managed hosting environment, even
better!    It's not easy to determine who is doing SAN with shared
access or decent NAS from the vendor websites out there (rackspace
and the like).

Last case, if you tried Shared File System Master Slave but found
that you had to go with JDBC that would also be helpful.

Thank you.

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