Did you check the "Sharing embedded broker across webapp
contexts"-thread (last week)? This was the exact same problem and
serveral possible solutions (at least one of them I tested
Easy way: put the activemq in the common/lib and just let the to
webapps connect to vm://localhost. Ways you can add a tcp-Connector to
this broker are described in the other thread or in the


On 6/28/07, Suchitha Koneru (sukoneru) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I also observed that when configuring an embedded broker  Tomcat
automatically starts the embedded broker when "vm" transport is used
and not for "tcp " transport.

-----Original Message-----
From: Suchitha Koneru (sukoneru)
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2007 12:45 PM
To: users@activemq.apache.org
Subject: access to embedded broker

Hello Active Mq users ,
                   Can an external  java process get access to an
embedded broker ? In our application we  have
Tomcat server with two Web apps , Web App A and Web app  B.   These two
web apps exchange messages via the embedded broker.

 Is the  embedded broker confined only to the JVM in which it is started
?? in our case the embedded broker is started within the JVM of
Tomcat.Can an external java process connect to the embedded broker and
sent messages to these two web apps ? This process is entirely in a
different JVM .

Please let me know,  Based on your response I will have to decide if I
have use  an embedded broker with "VM" transport or an external broker
with "TCP" transport.

thank you so much,

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