yay! thx for letting us know!



'Go Get Integrated - ride the Camel! - http://activemq.apache.org/ camel/'

On Aug 1, 2007, at 2:09 AM, David Sitsky wrote:

Turns out this was a silly application bug - nothing to do with activemq after all. My apologies.


David Sitsky wrote:
I am sure this is a silly configuration issue on my part, but I can't figure it out. I am using activemq 4.1.1 on Vista. I basically have two queues, one called submitted-items, and another called completed-items. JVM1 takes items from completed-items, and does some work with them. This JVM also runs the embedded broker with a TCP connector. I have a configurable number of sessions sharing the same connection which performs this work. In JVM2, I have a worker process which take items from the submitted-items queue, and potentially generate new messages on both the submitted-items and completed-items queue. There is also a configurable number of sessions sharing the same connection which performs this work. This all works fine, regardless if JVM1 and JVM2 are on the same machine or not. If I try to run JVM3, which runs the same code as JVM2, while I can see it connects to the broker (confirmed with debug), it receives no notifications for items on the submitted-items queue. If I kill JVM2, then JVM3 immediately receives new message notifications. If I start up JVM2 again, it sits there receiving no new messages. If I kill JVM3, then JVM2 starts to receive messages again. So connectivity works - but somehow during message dispatch, only one JVM (connection) is being selected for items in submitted- items queue. I have set all prefetch limits to 1, and have created the broker as follows:
BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
Connections for all JMS clients are created like:
ActiveMQConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
          new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(CONNECTION_URL);
ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy prefetchPolicy = new ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy();
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
All messages are received using the onMessage() style.
I know I probably haven't posted enough code - but is there an obvious reason why this might be happening? Thanks in advance.


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