Has anyone attempted to package ActiveMQ as an OSGi bundle and configure a
broker using Spring-OSGi?


Using the Eclipse PDE, I used the "create plug-in from existing jar" wizard
to dismantle and wrap the contents of activemq-all-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar as an
OSGi bundle.  I have several questions as to the appropriate way to do this


1.      Do I need to include the xbean-spring jar in this bundle to enable
Spring-OSGi configuration or should I create separate bundles for each
optional jar whose functionality I intend to use (i.e., jmdns for zeroconf)?

2.      When I create the bundle from which I want to start a broker, let's
say 'foo', does foo have to depend on the optional bundles or should the
ActiveMQ bundle depend on the optional bundles? 
3.      Which packages do I need to export from the ActiveMQ bundle and its


I tried creating an activemq bundle several different ways and I'm able to
configure a broker using the standard spring bean configuration (not the
ActiveMQ schema configuration); however, I get errors when trying to use
Spring 2.0 configuration using the ActiveMQ schema.  The SAX validation is
failing indicating that I'm not forming the configuration xml correctly even
though I use the Spring configuration example from the ActiveMQ website.


If anyone has tried using ActiveMQ in this way, I would welcome any insights
they've discovered in getting the broker to both run and be configured
within an OSGi framework using Spring.




Cody McCain

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