I've been having problems with activeMQ crashing after x number of messages past through it. At first research showed it might be the derby back end so I put together a system to use a mysql backend with 4.1.1 which doesn't work and research shows to use the 5.0 snapshot so I did and that works with the 5.0 snapshot.

So what we've found so far with 8 jboss instances sending messages through it which is our app base system our benchmarks and test app we built to test the crash base numbers are we can crash 4.1.1 at 33,000 messages passed through it with a derby backend and with the 5.0 snapshot with amysql backend crashes at just 3000 messages! It's worse yet we can't get a mysql backend to work with 4.1.1.

Any ideas on what you might need in information to help or what the problem might be?


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