On 17/10/2007, thyr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James.Strachan wrote:
> >
> > You set this flag on the MessageProducer in JMS - not the message
> >
> As far as I can see this doesn't helps if I use Spring's jmsTemplate. I'd
> like to configure the template like this (neglecting pooling issues)
> <bean id="jmsTemplate" class="org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate">
>                 <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
>                 <property name="deliveryPersistent" value="false"/>
> </bean>
> As Dziugas Baltrunas mentioned this has no effect. Messages are still marked
> as persistent.

You've gotta enable "explicitQosEnabled" to be true. See the Spring
docs & JavaDocs

> Is it possible with spring to configure "persistence per message" (as I need
> to)?

Using the JMS API yes - using Spring no - unless you use different
jmsTemplate instances, one for persistent one for non-persistent


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