Your problem might be that the two brokers are in a network of brokers
due to this line
   <networkConnector uri="multicast://default"/>
in the configuration (discovery via multicast).
However your config for broker B shouldn't do multicast discovery, but still..

Else you'll need to use jms/QueueConnectionFactory for all operations
related to Queue one. I'd probably use speaking names for the two
ConnectionFactories in JNDI (like jms/RemoteCF and jms/LocalCF).


On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 7:51 PM, dknig1b <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have a set up where I have 3 servers and 2 brokers:
>  Server A: running an embedded broker (BrokerA) on localhost:61616
>                 providing a message Queue called QueueOne
>  Server B: subscribes to QueueOne on localhost:61616
>                has an embedded broker (BrokerB) producing a topic TopicOne
>  on localhost 61617
>  Server C: subscribes to topic T1.
>  As I have things set up, when I start server B, the queue connects to the
>  broker on Server even though I'm
>  telling it to connect to localhost:61617.
>  Without the broker on Server B, the queue subscriber on Server B connects to
>  the broker on Server A, however the minute I include the broker on Server B,
>  and restart, the Queue connects to brokerB instead of BrokerA.

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