Hi all,

 Yesterday I discovered ActiveMQ and I have been banging my head
against a wall :).

 What I'd like to do is the following:

 1. Create a local broker (A) that comunicates with a remote broker(B).
I'd use two diferent computers.
 2. Define two queues on each broker TX and RX
 3. All the messages put into A.TX should go to B.RX and vice versa
 4. I'd like to configure the activemq.xml to allow this setup and test
it with the webinterface. I'd like to sent a message on TX queue on the
webinterface and receive it on RX queue on the other computer

 Can anybody help me? I have been searching in the web and also
downloaded the user guide from ttmsolutions.com and I haven't been able
to make it work.

Thank you very much!!

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