The C++ application wouldn't consume a JMS ObjectMessage; rather, it would have the message transformed to something it can consume, say XML. This transformation process is where Apache Camel comes in. The ActiveMQ 5.x broker can embed Camel components that will allow you to define a custom transformer that receives on one messaging channel, transforms the message, and then sends out the new message to your C++ application on another channel.

This link shows the basics for configuring Camel in your ActiveMQ broker:

And this should help you get started with Camel:


On Jul 6, 2008, at 8:53 PM, Joshua Smith wrote:

Thanks Nathan. I went and looked at the link. Could you describe how this works a little more? Is the C++ program doing something different or am I configuring ActiveMQ to do something different when the client is a C ++
application? How does Camel fit into the picture?

Joshua Smith

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