I am using activeMQ for one of our projects where a Java applet is used
to consume messages from JMS queues. During our tests, we discovered
that the number of consumers for each queue was not corresponding to the
number of connected clients but was way higher (not everytime indeed,
but it seems that sometimes some clients do not disconnect properly from
the server because maybe the applets are killed, and the number of
consumers is not decremented...). I double checked the values displayed
in the admin web page with the ones available through JMX to be sure,
and they were the same.
Is there a way to purge those dead consumers ? It does not seems to
produce some loss of messages, so I guess that those consumers are
correctly detected as invalid in the server. Maybe they are even deleted
and the number is not correctly set ?
Thanks in advance for your answers,
Reynald Borer

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