On 11 Dec 2008, at 04:16, Jim Lloyd wrote:

I'm trying to better understand what configuration options I can use to
handle slow consumers.  The
slow-consumers<http://activemq.apache.org/slow-consumers.html>page on
activemq.apache.org is a little odd. It reads as if it is a brainstorming document, i.e not even at the level of an approved design document, let
alone a specification of existing features.

Can someone who is familiar with ActiveMQ 5.2.0+ comment on whether the
features described on the slow-consumer pages are implemented?

In particular, I want to be able to configure brokers and consumers (for non-durable topcis) such the only the slow consumer is penalized -- the "discard messages for the slow consumer" option. I'm willing to accept that the broker will discard more messages than necessary. For our applications,
this is far preferable to slowing down any producers.

Jim Lloyd
Silver Tail Systems

Hi Jim,

That's all done and in 5.2 (must delete that page :))

start here: http://activemq.apache.org/slow-consumer-handling.html
and in particular  turn off flow control: 



Rob Davies

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