Hey all,

One of the developers in our company is writing an application that uses NMS 
and every once in a while the queue becomes unresponsive to consumers, although 
producers can continue to produce to it.  Other times a message will get stuck 
at the top of the queue and producers and consumers will read and write past it.

After talking with him, he is using it a little strangely, and I was just 
wondering if anyone can confirm this might cause the problem, since we can't 
always recreate the problem reliably and thus know if we have fixed it.

His NMS consumer had a prefetch of 1000, but after reading a maximum of 50 
messages, he disconnects and reconnects.  It seems like this shouldn't cause an 
issue, especially since there is only one consumer.

After changing the prefetch to 20, we couldn't recreate the problem at all, but 
even now, after setting it back to 1000 we still can't recreate the issue again.

Any suggestions or ideas?


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