I have been using ActiveMQ 4.1.2 for a couple of years
and have had a number of problems with it. I echo the views 
of a recent post on this forum that I prefer reliability of the tool
than performance; I do not even mind losing messages, but 
I want to avoid at any cost out of memory errors, sporadic and
inexplicable termination of the broker etc.

I even hired an ActiveMQ consultant to sanitize our configuration
and found that we had not misconfigured it - there were just bugs.
Its at a stage where its serving basic needs (non-persistence of
messages, non-reliable delivery, no security, is handling barely more 
than  50 messages an hour). I dare not look at it squint-eyed, for the
fear of creating yet another unexplained outage.

I am hoping that a newer version of ActiveMQ is more reliable;
the last time I attempted to upgrade (to 5.0) was unpleasant;
there were significant memory leaks.

Could you pl advise me on the most stable, bug-free version
of ActiveMQ post 4.1.2 that I could upgrade to?



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