> Any chance we can get a hold of your test code.
We use stomp, so our tests are very short python scripts using stomp.py:
They are simple scripts that create thousands of queues from a single 
connection, send messages to those queues, and also send messages to composite 
queues representing large numbers of actual queues.  

> 2. I see that most most posts about working setups are NOT Centos, in fact I
> have seen two posts that use Ubuntu successfully. Am I to change my linux
> distro?
I am not aware of any problems with CentOS5 and ActiveMQ (although I am 
certainly no expert with ActiveMQ).  Our production machine is RHEL5.  We test 
on Ubuntu for convenience, but we also test on a dev server running CentOS5 to 
emulate the production environment.  We've encountered no problems on CentOS5 
or RHEL5.

> 3. How many is "many" connections or machines that connect to the server? At
> more than fifty we see issues.

We have not done any tests with a significantly large number of
connections, I only included that information in the HowTo because I 
encountered it in my research and it is relevant to the resource usage 

> 4. How would having a total of 256k ram effect this?

I can't really attest to the consequences of 256 MB of ram.  The memory usage 
will vary widely depending on the use case.  If this is what you have available 
on the heap, it should be entirely sufficient for thousands of queues  (if you 
follow the instructions to limit the number of threads).  ActiveMQ is pretty 
memory intensive, but there are  lot of ways to tune it.   I think the best 
thing to do is run some tests that follow your particular use case.   If you 
find that you have memory-related issues, read the doc on memory usage I linked 
to in my original post.  Also, you should really read through all of the 
relevant elements and properties in the activemq config schema 
(http://activemq.apache.org/xml-reference.html).  A couple of examples off the 
top of my head (that may not be relevant to you): 
- You can set how many messages are pulled from persistent storage and put into 
memory at a time, when a queue is being read.
- If you're using composite queues, you can choose whether a copy of the 
message is made when forwarding the message.


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