Hi AMQ-users.

I have spent quite a while trying to figure out how to modify the
classpath used by activemq when starting it with the wrapper residing in
the directory $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin/linux-x86-32 (FUSE (I tried
using bin/activemq-admin start to start the broker as a daemon, but it
didn't work as expected, because it didn't daemonize the broker, and
stayed attached to the console.)

Using the wrapper made everything behave as expected - except that it
was next to impossible to set the path to additional Camel components, I
wanted loaded.

The way I finally made it work, was by adding this to wrapper.conf:

# Java Additional Parameters
# note that n is the parameter number starting from 1.
me jar>;some other jar>;...

Can someone confirm that this is the right way to do it?
If "yes", I'd be happy to add it to the documentation.

Another question: is it correct behaviour when the command
bin/activemq-admin start doesn't spawn a daemon using the wrapper? It
seems to be wrong, since there is a stop parameter which seems to be
there to stop a amq daemon.

If someone can tell me what the intentions are, I'd be happy to provide
patches to make everything behave as intended.


Michael Zedeler.

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