> This is the problem , because i need 30 millions queue and i can't use topics
> instead 
> Thanks a lot  Mr  James for you help

It's not clear to me what you want to do with them after you persist them, but 
you can send them all to a single queue then have a service that consumes from 
that queue and persists them in any way that you'd like.  For example, you can 
use a custom STOMP header to make some decision on how they should be 
persisted, so that they can filtered into their 30 million separated "groups".

Alternatively, you can write a plugin that does the same thing, so that you're 
not dealing with a connection between your persistence service and the broker.  
Or you can even extend one of the existing persistence adapters to store the 
messages in some unique way.  While these latter options are viable, the first 
would be the easiest to develop and maintain.



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