Hi folks,
I have a completely embedded broker instance running in the same JVM as my
JMS applications, all applications use a VM transport connector so the
"TCP/IP footprint" (i.e. used ports) of this system is currently zero.

Now my additional requirement is to be able to remove some [unused] broker
queues programmatically via a new service application running in the same
JVM as the broker.

Is there a way of performing this simple operation without having my broker
listening on a TCP/IP port (and consequently introducing the need for
locking down admin access with security credentials management etc)?

For instance this wiki
http://activemq.apache.org/how-do-i-delete-a-destination.html points to JMX
which -- AFAIK -- requires listening on TCP/IP to start with.

I'm I missing something obvious here?
Thanks in advance.

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