On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 02:59 -0800, Sodan wrote:
> Hi all
> (using cms 3.1, vs 2008)
> If we do broker url:
> tcp://host:61616
> then everything is fine, but we need failover (for automatic reconnect) so
> we do:
> failover:(tcp://host:61616)
> but then we get a lot of:
> First-chance exception at 0x7505e124 in server_debug.exe: Microsoft C++
> exception: decaf::lang::exceptions::NoSuchElementException at memory
> location 0x088ef19c..
> what is that ?

Afraid I'm going to need a bit more info on that one.  What is happening
when you get this exception?  Is there any sample code you have that can
reproduce this error?  


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