Hello All,
I have an NMS client using the stomp broker on a .netcf device. For the most
part it works absolutely fine, but now I'm trying to harden the device (for
network failures etc.).
I have added an exception listener and specifically look for IOExceptions
(which I believe are what .NET throws if the GPRS/3G network connectivity
dies). I can successfully capture this exception and then I fire off a
thread to restart the connection and add my listeners again.

At the moment this method doesn't seem to work - I can never get a
connection again. Can anyone advise what is the best way of doing this?

I've also attached my code so that you know what I'm trying to do.

    class AMQMessageHandler


        private String myQueue;

        private String connecturi;

        //private ISession session;

        IConnectionFactory factory;

        IConnection connection;

        ISession session;

        IDestination destination;

        IMessageConsumer messageConsumer;


         * the UI thread within whose context the code will be executed


        private Form uiThread;

>         /*

         * function in the UI thread to handle exceptions


        private Delegate exceptionDelegate;

>         public AMQMessageHandler(String connectionURI, String driverID,
> Delegate exceptionDelegate, Form uiThread)


            this.connecturi = connectionURI;

            this.myQueue = "driver.channel." + driverID;

            this.uiThread = uiThread;

            this.exceptionDelegate    = exceptionDelegate;


>         public void start()


>             try


                this.factory = new ConnectionFactory(connecturi);

                this.connection = this.factory.CreateConnection();

                this.session = this.connection.CreateSession();

                this.destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session,
> "queue://" + myQueue);

                this.messageConsumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination);

                messageConsumer.Listener += new
> MessageListener(messageConsumer_Listener);

                connection.ExceptionListener += new
> ExceptionListener(connection_ExceptionListener);


>             }

            catch (Exception ex)





>         public delegate void RestartConnectionDelegate();

>         private void restartConnection()


            new System.Threading.Thread(threadedStartConnection).Start();


>         private void threadedStartConnection()


            int retryCount = 1;

            bool keepTryingtoRestart = true;

>             while (keepTryingtoRestart == true)


                //tsalem - add some kind of logging here

                //listBox.Items.Add("attempting to reconnect - pass " +
> retryCount);


>                 try


                    this.factory = new ConnectionFactory(connecturi);

                    this.connection = this.factory.CreateConnection();

                    this.session = this.connection.CreateSession();

                    this.destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session,
> "queue://" + myQueue);

                    this.messageConsumer =
> session.CreateConsumer(destination);

                    messageConsumer.Listener += new
> MessageListener(messageConsumer_Listener);

                    connection.ExceptionListener += new
> ExceptionListener(connection_ExceptionListener);


>                     keepTryingtoRestart = false;


                catch (Exception ex)


                    uiThread.Invoke(exceptionDelegate, ex.Message +"\n" +
> ex.StackTrace);

                    //tsalem change this to check for keep retrying rather
> than on a counter

                    if (retryCount == 50)


                        keepTryingtoRestart = false;


>                 }




>         public void messageConsumer_Listener(IMessage receivedMessage)




                ITextMessage message = receivedMessage as ITextMessage;


                //tsalem - todo - handle message

                if (message.Text != null)


> uiThread);




                    uiThread.Invoke(exceptionDelegate, "ERROR: AMQ Message
> is empty");



            catch (Exception ex)





>         void connection_ExceptionListener(Exception exception)



>             if (exception is System.IO.IOException)


> RestartConnectionDelegate(threadedStartConnection));






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