Hi Markus,

the most natural way would be to use advisory messages (
http://activemq.apache.org/advisory-message.html), but this is not yet
supported from Stomp (https://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/AMQ-2098),
so you'd need to use Java to process this kind of events.

Dejan Bosanac - http://twitter.com/dejanb

Open Source Integration - http://fusesource.com/
ActiveMQ in Action - http://www.manning.com/snyder/
Blog - http://www.nighttale.net

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Markus Schaber <m...@soloplan.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> We currently have some clients connecting to an ActiveMQ-Server via STOMP.
> The clients actively keep the connection open, and reconnect when they
> recognize that the connection breaks.
> Now we have the request that we give alarm when a client is not "seen" by
> the server for a certain amount of time (and possibly also when it
> reconnects with a high frequency). Is it possible to get the
> "connected"-State or the events when the clients connect and lose connection
> to ActiveMQ?
> Thanks,
> Markus
> **************************************************************************
> Soloplan GmbH
> Software für Logistik und Planung
> Markus Schaber (Dipl.-Informatiker)
> Entwicklung, Projektleitung
> Burgstraße 20 | 87435 Kempten | Deutschland
> Telefon: +49 831 57407-0 | Telefax: +49 831 57407-111
> E-Mail: m...@soloplan.de | Internet: www.soloplan.de
> Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Heidl, HRB 5304 Kempten

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