On Fri, 2010-07-23 at 12:08 -0700, Evan Kuhn wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded from ActiveMQ CMS 3.1.3 to 3.2.1, and I'm having some
> trouble reading
> empty strings out of MapMessage fields after sending them through the
> broker. When I
> try to do so, MapMessage::getString() throws the exception "Unsupported Type
> Conversion".
> To explain, here's what I do:
> - Open a connection with my ActiveMQ broker
> - Create a MapMessage. Set two string fields, one empty, one non-empty:
>   - request->setString("STR_FIELD_1", "");
>   - request->setString("STR_FIELD_2", "asdf");
> - Send the message to a queue
> - Read the message from the queue
> - Read the two string fields from the response:
>   - response->getString("STR_FIELD_1", "");
>   - response->getString("STR_FIELD_2", "asdf");
> Reading the non-empty string field works fine. Reading the empty one,
> however,
> results in the exception "Unsupported Type Conversion".
> Any idea why this is happening? I did not experience this with CMS 3.1.3.
> For reference, I'm using:
> - CMS 3.2.1 on Windows XP
> - ActiveMQ 5.3.0 and Java 1.6.0 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release
> 5.3 (Tikanga)
> - Sending messages to a queue, using persistent messaging (via KahaDB)
> Here is a small C++ program I'm using to reproduce the problem:
> http://old.nabble.com/file/p29249684/send_empty_string.cpp
> send_empty_string.cpp 
> Thank you very much for your help
> - Evan Kuhn

Can you open a new Jira issue and attach you test case there?


Tim Bish

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