
I wonder if anyone on this ML has used ActiveMQ in an environment where 
the software must failover to a disaster recovery (DR) site. It's quite a 
different thing from failing over because the primary machine has died.

I realise that AMQ does provide failover but it looks to me like it is 
designed to work soley within a site, to gaurd against machine failure. 
This is very good and for many envs this is probably all that is needed. 
However, some High Availability (HA) envs have to cope with the data 
centre being knocked out. When that happens all the machines in that 
building become unavailable and the organisation is forced to switch to 
machines at their DR site. DR sites are usually connected to the primary 
site via a WAN. Unlike the network used at the primary, the WAN will be 
operating over far greater distances and will thus have much higher 
latency. Connections may also be unreliable, e.g dropped from time to 
time. Ha anyone any experience of developing HA systems in such an 
environment? Whilst using AMQ?


Andrew Marlow

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