On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Benoit Xhenseval <b...@appendium.com> wrote:
> Hi Bruce
> This is very appreciated. I will pass it around our team and will get the
> AMQ in Action book too.
> Thanks for your help, we've been facing a rather complex transaction
> issue... The first message is processed ok by AMQ/Jboss/Spring, the
> subsequent messages are rejected as the handling thread is deemed 'already
> associated with a transaction'.  This is driving us nuts... we posted this a
> few days ago but did not get any reply/suggestion...
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/Jboss-5-1-and-ActiveMQ-5-4-Endpoint-did-not-release-properly-null-td2402988.html#a2402988

It appears that the exception is due to the fact that the session is
no longer running. Any idea why that might be? Could the session or
the connection have been stopped or closed?

perl -e 'print 

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