On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 06:05 -0700, baudtender wrote:
> Short answer - I don't need to use Stomp with c++ when I connect to
> ActiveMQ broker, but expect to need to use Stomp with other languages
> (such as PHP) where OpenWire is not yet implemented.
> The reason I _am_ using Stomp with the AMQCPP client is that I have
> validated my packet encoding/decoding over OpenWire and now want to
> do the same for packets sent inside of Stomp frames, and c++ is the
> most convenient language for me to do quick and dirty mockups - I guess
> I just didn't foresee it being this problematic.  I might also need to use
> the
> AMQCPP client to talk to some other Stomp broker in the future (such as
> HornetQ) so testing its Stomp support now does no harm.  I'm also having
> problems there with the activemq-cpp-example code, but that has to do
> with AMQCPP's apparent insistence on a "queue/" or "topic/" prefix when
> subscribing, and HornetQ's unwillingness to allow those in its predefined
> queue/topic names, but I'll sort that out later.
> I just downloaded all of the ActiveMQ and ActiveMP-CPP stuff last week so
> I should have the latest versions of each (5.4.0 & 3.2.2 respectively.)
> Thanks again!

It appears that there's probably a bug in the Stomp code in AMQCPP.
You're welcome to create a new Jira issue to track the bug.  If you'd
like to take a look at the code and see if you can spot the problem we
would love to accept a patch for it.


Tim Bish

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