For default message persistence there needs to be a durable
subscription. For non durable subscriptions there is the retroactive
option that will allow recovery of messages based on
the recovery strategy. You can define your own strategy to capture
your exact requirement, there are a few out of the box (limited by
message count and message size) but none that monitor expiry.

On 8 November 2010 23:00, Anirudha Khanna <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a developer working for Yahoo! Inc. and we are currently evaluating 
> ActiveMQ for using it as streaming solution for Yahoo serving applications. 
> We have a requirement for the streaming platform to be able to persist 
> messages on a topic, till the set message expiry is up, even though there 
> isn't a durable subscriber for that Topic. Is it sufficient for the Producer 
> to do a Producer.setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT) to get this 
> behaviour? When reading source I did notice this section in 
> if (topicStore != null && message.isPersistent() && 
> !canOptimizeOutPersistence()) {
>            if (systemUsage.getStoreUsage().isFull()) {
>                final String logMessage = "Usage Manager Store is Full. 
> Stopping producer (" + message.getProducerId() + ") to prevent flooding " + 
> getActiveMQDestination().getQualifiedName() + "."
>                        + " See 
> for more info";
>                if (systemUsage.isSendFailIfNoSpace()) {
>                    throw new 
> javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException(logMessage);
>                }
>                waitForSpace(context, systemUsage.getStoreUsage(), logMessage);
>            }
>            topicStore.addMessage(context, message);
> }
> private boolean canOptimizeOutPersistence() {
>        return durableSubcribers.size() == 0;
> }
> ActiveMQ version 5.3.2
> JAVA version 1.6_0.22
> OS - RHEL 4 Update 8
> Thanks,
> Anirudha


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