Hi there,

its a bug. I create a jira issue and attached a fix there:


Ps: Thx for reporting

2010/12/2 Brett Wooldridge <brett.wooldri...@gmail.com>:
> I have a producer creating BlobMessages, and a consumer that consumes them.
>  The
> producer is connected to Broker A, and the consumer to Broker B.  The two
> brokers
> are connected in a network.  ActiveMQ version 5.4.1.
> The problem I'm experiencing is that while BlobMessages are sent and
> received with
> no problem, the 'name' property set by the producer on the BlobMessage is
> null on
> the client.
> The producer looks something like this:
>   BlobMessage blobMessage = jmsSession.createBlobMessage(file);
> blobMessage.setName(file.getName());
> blobMessage.setStringProperty("file", file.getName());
> producer.send(blobMessage);
> The String property, "file", passes correctly, so it is certainly a
> "workaround" for the issue, however it is still an issue.
> The JavaDoc for the setName() call says:
> "The name of the attachment which can be useful information if transmitting
> files
> over ActiveMQ"
> I agree, it is useful.  And it seems the "official" way to send the name of
> the
> "attachment" so I would prefer to use it.
> Is this a known issue?  Or am I doing something incorrectly?
> Brett

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