I found my error. when I copied the example, I left out {  and } after
the using(  ) statement.

that was causing the Nullpointer error I was getting. Reading the
example on the website, it was hard to see. Even though it is valid in
C# to have using( something) block without { } it was causing the
connection and queue to become null.

solution was to add the { } or remove the using statement.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Timothy Bish <tabish...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There shouldn't be any issue using an older broker with the newer versions
> of NMS.ActiveMQ.  You might want to check the URI in the code to ensure its
> pointing to the correct location.
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Peter Lin <wool...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm hoping someone knows the answer to this.
>> I'm using activemq 5.2.0, which works great. I can successfully
>> connect with java and do what I need. When I try to connect to
>> activemq using NMS from VS2008 .Net 3.5, I get errors. I
>> tried the example from the website and get a "connection already
>> closed" when it tries to create consumer.
>> http://activemq.apache.org/nms/examples.html
>> I'm using the configuration file from NMS svn. There's got to be
>> something simple I'm missing.
>> thanks
>> peter

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