
you can find some additional tips for performance tuning here:




Dejan Bosanac
FuseSource - The experts in open source integration and messaging.
Email: dej...@fusesource.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
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ActiveMQ in Action - http://www.manning.com/snyder/
Blog - http://www.nighttale.net

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Stanislaw Kogut <sko...@sistyma.net> wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm currently evaluating ActiveMQ as a message broker for our service. We
> need scalable, transacted, low-latency message broker, but ActiveMQ shows
> not very good results to me.
> Config: ActiveMQ 5.4.2 with nio:// transport, KahaDB persistence adapter and
> data directory on tmpfs filesystem (to get rid of disk performance impact).
> In details: With persistence enabled and commiting every message sent to
> broker we have about 2k messages/s on producer side, and similar consuming
> speed with one producing thread.
> It also has good latency - about 5 milliseconds to deliver message, but 2k
> msg/s can be slow in future, so I'm trying to commit messages after some
> count of them sent, for example after every 100 messages. This shows better
> throughput, about 10k messages/s, but now consumer side looks slow. Also,
> latency is increased because time to fill this "100 messages" cap.
> Also, consumer side is not able to consume all these messages on this rate
> and queue length grows.
> It is very possible also, I will have more than one producer for one queue
> because of application design. I also test this scenario and producers are
> relatively fast, but consumer become very slow, receiving 1-2 messages per
> second. With enabled producer flow-control broker can stop producers and
> serve consumer better, but it has very bad impact on latency as producer
> should wait for broker to acknowledge messages, preventing new data from
> being sent.
> Is there is a way to consume messages from queue faster? I'm tried both
> implementing MessageListener and MessageConsumer.receive(), but both show
> same result. Usage of vmCursor or prefetching in broker makes no changes to
> situation.
> Also, is there any topology for distirbuting one ActiveMQ queue to more than
> one machine without big latency impact to increase it's throughput?
> --
> Regards,
> Stanislaw Kogut
> Sistyma LLC

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