I'm deploying the activemq resource adapter to glassfish 2.1.1. On my first
attempt, I ran into a classloading issue, because in glassfish, the resource
adapter's classloader is a parent to EAR's classloaders, and the EAR's
classloaders search the parent's first. My issue was that my legacy EAR
requires spring 2.5.6, and the activemq resource adapter ships with 3.0.x.
So what was happening is that the EAR was finding spring 3.0.x first, and I
was getting some method not found exceptions.

To get around this issue I removed the spring bundles from the RAR file
(since activemq resource adapter will only use spring to read xbean broker
configurations) and deployed the broker separately from the application.

Now however, I'd like to run an embedded broker in the resource adapter, but
I don't want to use XML configuration since that would require spring. I
know the there are several other ways to configure a broker (such as the URI
syntax like broker:(vm://localhost) or the properties files). But the
resource adapter only has a BrokerXmlConfig property. Is there a way to
instead use an alternative syntax for broker configuration in the resource


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