On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 11:06 PM, Blue Diamond <gvnan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it possible with activemq, if I want to get notified about expired
> messages in my queue or topic? Does it also support batch mails - mail out
> for every say 100 expired messages? What level of support is present in
> activemq in dealing with expired messages? Are there alternative ways of
> doing this?

ActiveMQ produces advisory messages for various internal broker
operations and one of these operations is message expirations. Take a
look at the page on advisory messages, specifically the destination
and message advisories here:


You would need to develop an app with a JMS consumer that listens for
advisory messsages on the ActiveMQ.Advisory.Expired.Queue queue or the
ActiveMQ.Advisory.Expired.Topic topic and then handle them according
the whatever logic you need. In your case, just keep track of how many
expirations there have been and when the counter reaches 100, send an

I'm not sure what you mean by alternative ways of doing this. It's
basically an open-ended problem for you to solve by developing your
own app for it.

perl -e 'print 

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