After some period of time, AMQ (5.5) starts rejecting connections with the below exception:

2011-08-10 11:40:56,434 | INFO | Transport failed: java.io.EOFException | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnection.Transport | ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///

Then I can no longer connect. This is after its been running for a few hours and about 30,000 messages
flowing through a couple of queues.

The client exception is:

CMSException: OpenWireFormatNegotiator::onewayWire format negotiation timeout: peer did not send his wire format.\n\tFILE: activemq/wireformat/openwire/OpenWireFormatNegotiator.cpp, LINE: 70\n\tFILE: activemq/wireformat/openwire/OpenWireFormatNegotiator.cpp, LINE: 79\n\tFILE: activemq/transport/correlator/ResponseCorrelator.cpp, LINE: 112\n\tFILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQConnection.cpp, LINE: 584\n\tFILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQConnection.cpp, LINE: 324\n\tFILE: activemq/core/ActiveMQConnectionFactory.cpp, LINE: 151\n\n'

How can I correct this? What could be causing this?


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