I am reading the ActiveMQ Redelivery policy documentation 
http://activemq.apache.org/message-redelivery-and-dlq-handling.html and this 
states that :-

Messages are redelivered to a client when any of the following occurs:
A transacted session is used and rollback() is called.
A transacted session is closed before commit is called.
A session is using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and Session.recover() is called.

I have the following questions about the above.

1) What is it that defines a session as transacted? Is it a flag used when 
opening the session or is it simply the fact that you have called 
beginTransaction() on the session. 
2) Where within the session do you specify if you are using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE 
or some form of Automatic Acknowledgement?
3) When I connect to the admin console  should I expect to see a DeadLetter 
Queue within my broker?

Sorry if these are noob questions but I am experiencing some major issues with 
our ActiveMQ instance that I am trying to understand.

Thanks in advance


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